Human colon cancer cells express multiple glycoprotein ligands for E-selectin

Tomlinson, Wang, Barsky, Lee, Bischoff, and Nguyen. 2000. “Human Colon Cancer Cells Express Multiple Glycoprotein Ligands for E-Selectin”. Int J Oncol 16 (2): 347-53.



The interaction between the colon tumor cell surface and the endothelial cell layer is an important component of tumor intravasation, extravasation, and metastasis. Multiple studies suggest that tumor cells may bind to E-selectin expressed on endothelial cells during these processes. To identify possible E-selectin ligands on tumor cells that may participate in this mechanism, we used E-selectin-Ig chimera affinity chromatography to isolate glycoproteins from the human colon cancer cell line Colo-205. Binding of these cells to E-selectin was specific, required the presence of calcium, and could be blocked by antibodies against E-selectin. We identified LAMP-1 (lysosomal membrane glycoprotein-1), LAMP-2, and two high molecular weight glycoproteins (>400 kDa and 300 kDa) as the main E-selectin ligands on Colo-205 cells. Treatment of the cells with N-glycanase and O-sialoglycoprotease abolished their binding to E-selectin. The high MW glycoproteins contained sialyl Lewis X and/or sialyl Lewis A glycoconjugates, and appeared to be either alternatively spliced or alternatively glycosylated forms of MUC-1 (mucin-1).
Last updated on 02/25/2023